2019版英语人教版选修10课件:5.2 Learning about LanguageUsing LanguageSumming Up & Learning Tip
2019版英语人教版选修10课件:5.2 Learning about LanguageUsing LanguageSumming Up & Learning Tip第2页


一、把A栏中的单词和B栏中的英文释义相互连线搭配起来  A         B 1.warehouse  a.to ask for information 2.bargain b.a person who breaks into houses,shops,etc.in order to steal 3.burglar c.to feel or show great joy 4.inspect d.without result 5.dangle e.hurriedly 6.Vain f.a building for storing things,esp.to be sold 7.decline g.to cause to swing loosely 8.enquire h.a thing bought or sold for less than its usual price 9.rejoice i.to say “no” to sth. 10.hastily j.to examine sth.closely 答案:1.f 2.h 3.b 4.j 5.g 6.d 7.i 8.a 9.c 10.e