2017-2108学年人教版 必修六 Unit 5 The power of nature- Language points课件(24张PPT)
2017-2108学年人教版 必修六 Unit 5 The power of nature- Language points课件(24张PPT)第2页

P33 1 first aid急救幻灯片 3 2. fall ill生病幻灯片 4 3. get injured 受伤幻灯片 5 4. if possible 如果有可能的话五: 5. give first aid 给予急救 6. sth happen to sb 某人发生… 7. make a list of 列清单 8. act as a barrier against 作为妨碍…的屏障 9. prevent …from doing 阻止…五:protect…against/ from… 保护…不受的损害 prevent…from doing ... 10. sense of touch 触感幻灯片 10