2016-2017学年 人教版 选修7 Unit 2 Robots Using language 课件(9张)
2016-2017学年 人教版 选修7  Unit 2 Robots  Using language  课件(9张)第2页

拓展 be bound to 被绑在……(to 为介词) I'm bound to say that...我得说…… be bound up with sth.与某事有密切关系 be bound up in sth.忙于/专心于某事 be bound by sth.受……约束 运用 完成句子 ①________________ (我得说) I think you are taking a huge


②Henry's problems ________________ ( 与……有关系) his

mother's death when he was ten.

are bound up with

I am bound to say