2019学年度人教版选修八Unit 5Meeting your ancestors Period 5Using language-- Reading (II)课件(28张)
2019学年度人教版选修八Unit 5Meeting your ancestors Period 5Using language-- Reading (II)课件(28张)第4页

1. identify vt. 确认;识别;鉴别 In pairs, try to identify these objects. 两人一组,努力辨认这些物品。 She identified the man as her attacker. 她认出那个男子就是袭击她的人。 One can’t identify happiness with wealth. 幸福与财富不能混为一谈。

Language Points

identify sb. /sth. as sb./ sth. 确认,证明某人/某物系某人/某物 identify sth. with sth. 认为某事物与另一事物等同 identify by 根据……辨认出