2016-2017学年 人教版 选修7 Unit 2 Robots language points 课件 (14)
2016-2017学年 人教版 选修7  Unit 2 Robots  language points  课件 (14)第3页

vt. 渴望,希望,想要,后接名词、不定式或从句 desire sth. desire to do sth. desire sb. to do sth. desire that 任何想投票的人都必须参加会议。 Anyone desiring to vote must come to the meeting. 王子希望她能成为自己的王后。 The prince desire her to be his queen. desire作及物动词,意为“要求”,这时接宾语从句,宾语从句中的谓语动词用should加动词原形,should可省。

[举例]It is desired that this rule(should) be brought to the attention of all the members. 要求这一规定必须引起所有成员的注意。 [实践]We desire that help ____ here without delay. A. be sent B. is sent C. has been that D. was sent