2016-2017学年 人教版 必修1 unit2 England around the world Reading 课件 (8)
2016-2017学年 人教版 必修1 unit2 England around the world  Reading 课件 (8)第3页

Review 1.He asked__________________(什么啦?/出了什么事?) 2.The driver said that he ______(will/ would) pick ______(接某人) a passenger at west street. 3.Unless _________(被邀请),I won’t go to your birthday party. 4.It was _____ _____ she took off her sunglasses that I realized that she was famous film star.(直到他摘下墨镜,我我才意识到她是个著名的电影明星)

What was the matter




not until