2018-2019学年英语新导学外研版必修三课件:Module 4 jichujiance
2018-2019学年英语新导学外研版必修三课件:Module 4 jichujiance第5页

cut down,masses of,be caught in,one after another,as a result of,have an effect on,in a nutshell,take in,give out,look through

15.She died her injuries. 16. your homework before handing it in. 17.He didn’t what I read because his mind was on something else. 18.After two hours her patience . 19.Our company was closed. ,we were out of work. 20.China’s improvements are starting to ________________ climate models.

as a result of

Look through

take in

gave out

In a nutshell

have an effect on