2018-2019学年英语新导学译林版必修三课件:Unit 2 Period One
2018-2019学年英语新导学译林版必修三课件:Unit 2 Period One第3页

“Geek” tops the list for 2013 because of its “positive makeover”, a spokeswoman for Collins Dictionary told The Scotsman newspaper. The word originally appeared in the 19th century as a variant(变形) of “geek”, meaning “a simpleton (傻瓜)”. “In the 1980s,the word still had a negative meaning,referring to someone who was boring and socially awkward.However,from the late 20th century,due to the increasing importance of technology in society,the word has come to mean a clever,switched­-on and cool person,” noted The Scotsman.