2015-2016学年北师大版 选修七 unit 20 New FrontiersLesson 2 Artificial Intelligence课件 (25)
2015-2016学年北师大版 选修七 unit 20 New FrontiersLesson 2 Artificial Intelligence课件 (25)第5页

3.Future continuous(将来进行时) 构成:shall/will be+现在分词 用法: 表示在将来某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行 的动作,常常带有时间状语短语或时间状语从句. Eg: I will be busy this evening. I will be writing an article. 表示按计划将来要发生的动作. Eg: I hope you will be coming on time. They will be having their holiday in June.