2019版英语人教版选修10课件:2.2 Learning about LanguageUsing LanguageSumming Up & Learning Tip
2019版英语人教版选修10课件:2.2 Learning about LanguageUsing LanguageSumming Up & Learning Tip第2页


一、把A栏中的单词和B栏中的英文释义相互连线搭配起来 A           B 1.sacrifice   a.empty;not being used 2.storage b.a sudden uncontrollable burst of air out of the nose or mouth 3.terminal c.to speak in an angry and complaining way to sb.,especially to blame sb. 4.vacant d.loss or giving up sth.of value,especially for a particular purpose 5.sneeze e.collecting and keeping sth.for future use 6.rewind f.to make a tape go backwards 7.cheque g.building at a railway line,bus route,etc.