2017--2018学年人教版选修六unit 5 the power of nature language points(53张)
2017--2018学年人教版选修六unit 5 the power of nature language points(53张)第3页




Tourists will always remember Kilauea for its historically eruptive volcano.It is a continually active volcano and an eruption may switch from effusive① to explosive.Legend tells us that Pele,the ancient volcano goddess of Hawaii,lived in Kilauea.This town was born from volcanic activity—like all the islands in Hawaii—and still keeps on growing.Kilauea volcano was formed some 300,000 to 600,000 years ago.Centuries later,the island of Hawaii was born.The volcanic eruptions have shaped the ancient minds of the Hawaiians who thought that the lava formations were symbols of the goddess Pele’s extreme anger and severe physical and mental pain.Thus,they named the volcanic formations as Pele’s Tears,the solidified teardrop-shaped lava formations.