2019-2020学年译林版必修一unit 3 looking good,feeling good project课件(16张)
2019-2020学年译林版必修一unit 3 looking good,feeling good project课件(16张)第2页

Review 1.Women ______to live longer than men.(倾向) 2.I have a _______to talk too much when I’m nervous. .(倾向) 3.He didn’t want to ______her by asking questions.(尴尬) 4.I’ve never felt so ______in my life. (尴尬) 5.The boy wants to be_____ of his parents.(独立于) 6.You can’t be _____ on your parents all your life.(依赖,依靠) 7.Having a job gives you financial _______.(独立) 8.She found it _______(extreme) difficult to get a job. (1.tend, 2.tendency,3.embarrass, 4.embarrassed,5.independent, 6.dependent,7.independence,8extremely)