Having caused much debate, a recent announcement has shocked many people around the world. On the one hand, valuable tissues and organs can be produced and be used to save human lives. On the other hand, human beings may be on the way to producing a real-life Frankenstein’s monster. Some people consider that cloning human embryos with the intention to destroy them shows no respect for human life. Cloning is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal using its cells. Though finding the wonderful scientific breakthrough, the cloned sheep Dolly, amazing, many people were angry because they thought cloning would create more disease in the animal world. Considering cloning human beings, many scientists shocked Ian Wilmut, the Scottish who created Dolly. While cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries, some scientists are already pushing ahead with research so as to deliver a cloned human baby. In China, scientists have succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats, and continue to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind.