河北省盐山中学2018-2019学年度高二下学期第一次周测英语试卷 Word版缺答案
河北省盐山中学2018-2019学年度高二下学期第一次周测英语试卷 Word版缺答案第1页


编制人:李英杰 审核人:宫平 荣杰

班级_______ 姓名______小组______


1. John is a very kind-hearted man. You can turn to him for help.

2. The book is written by that famous writer. I am very interested in it.

3. Tom is the boy. I went to the cinema with him together.

4. Have you remembered the factory? We worked in it last year.

5. It is the gold diamond. I spent all my money on it.

6. The old Olympic Games could date back to 776 BC. The modern games come from it.

7. I have nine friends in America. Four of them work as doctors.

8. The woman has just won a gold medal. I read about her in the newspaper.

9. The house is 7 kilometers away. I was born in it.

10. This is the very farm. My father used to work on it.

11. The letter is from my uncle. I received it yesterday.

12. The teacher saw what happened. He was standing nearby.

13. The girl is not here now. She told me the news.

14. This is the tree. He was climbing it yesterday.

15. Do not drink water. It has not been boiled.

16. The student is in the room. His name is Tom.

17. The house is our library. Its door is painted red.

18. I always remember the days. We spent them together.


1、This is the professor who taught me chemistry in 1980 .

2、Do you know the student who was praised at the meeting?

3、This is the boy whose father died three years ago.

4、The film we saw the day before yesterday is very interesting.

5、The hospital which was built five years ago was destroyed in this earthquake.