2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 3 Life in the future learning about language课时作业 (4)
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 3 Life in the future learning about language课时作业 (4)第1页

Unit 3 Life in the future learning about language课时作业



  Three years ago when I was just a freshman is the high school, the busy spring season

  was coming quickly. When I was preparing to play the saxophone (萨克斯)in my school's music group for the Music Year, players who prepared for the softball tryouts (选拔赛) were just around the corner.

  It was only the second day of our training, a Tuesday.The players were hitting balls as training. The field of training was poorly set up.However,two lines were formed in both the right and the left field as the players hit the ball from the line towards the center field.And then the only thing that I could remember when I woke up was that I was hit by the ball. And I had lost my front tooth. As one could imagine, I was scared. With the Music Year only four days away, it was vexatious.

  I felt so disappointed on the way home and planned to give up for I didn't know whether I could play the saxophone well without my front tooth. Then I met my lovely neighbor, Kathy.She was a kind girl. After she knew what I was worrying, she encouraged me to go on my way to the Music Year. And she said I needed to go to the dentist and she would go along with me.

  After going to the dentist and getting my tooth fixed,I went home and went to bed after taking the medicine. The following days, I practised the saxophone with other members. I could also do well as before, and I expected I would perform well in the Music Year. By the way, Kathy was the one I needed to say two words for her encouragement.

  1.According to the passage, we know that ________.

  A.the author did well in all the school subjects

  B.the author was good at playing the saxophone

  C.the spring season always made people feel lazy

  D.the author practised softball at the corner

  2.The underlined word "vexatious"in Paragraph 2 means ________.

  A.moving     B.interesting

  C.puzzling D.annoying

  3.Why did the author plan to give up taking part in the Music Year?

  A.Because he was hit by the coach.

  B.Because he was knocked onto the ground.

  C.Because he lost his front tooth.

  D.Because he was hit by a football player.

4.The two words that the author would say to Kathy might be "________".