四上PEP英语《Unit3 My friends》练习检测复习试卷免费下载24
四上PEP英语《Unit3 My friends》练习检测复习试卷免费下载24第1页


三 下列句子排序。(10分)

( )Who is he? Zhang Peng?

( ) A boy or a girl?

( )Yes. You are right.

( ) A boy. He's tall and thin.

( ) Hi,John. I have a good friend.

四 找出与其他单词不同类的一个。(10分)

( )1、A. strong B. friendly C.desk

  ( )2、A. glasses B. nose C. hand

  ( )3、A. his B. her C.she

  ( )4、A. fan B. shoe C. light

  ( )5、A. notebook B. math book C. hat

五 给下列句子中划线单词选择合适的反义词。把序号填在题前括号内。(10分)

  A old B short C thin D tall E small

  ( )1 Zhang peng is strong .Mike is _________.

  ( )2 Sarah has long hair . John has ________ hair.

  ( )3 Miss white is _______. Chenjie is short.

  ( )4 Amy has big eyes and a ________ nose.

  ( )5 Sarah is my new friend. Amy is my _____ friend.


( )1、This is his photo. Look! is tall.

   A. He B. She C. He's

( )2、He short brown hair.

   A. have B. has C. is

( )3、What's_____ (他的)name?

   A. his B. her C. its

( )4、She is a girl. Name is Lucy.

   A. His B. Her C. It's

( )5、She music.

A. like B. likes C. to like