2017--2018学年人教版必修四Unit 4 body language reading课时作业
2017--2018学年人教版必修四Unit 4 body language reading课时作业第1页

Unit 4 body language reading课时作业



  My daughter is only two years old right now,but it seems that younger and younger children are being led to formal testing these days.It's hard to picture little kids even sitting still long enough to complete a written test,never mind the amount of experiential learning that is missed when everyone is so preoccupied with testing scores.I feel like all of this testing encourages rote memorization(死记硬背) at the expense of critical thinking and creativity,and it worries me.

  As adults,we haven't learned our lessons in this way.Some of our most in-demand professions require vast creativity along with critical thinking.Most of us are happier when we use our bodies,our creative abilities,and pursue our interests.

  This leads me to think:what if I raised my kid only for the test?

  I guess this imaginary toddler test would include something about reading basic words.So instead of spending time with a few friends at the nature center,where my daughter got to pet(抚摸) a live snake,we would be at home reviewing how to identify and spell the word "snake".

  At the zoo,we wouldn't have had a five-minute conversation about why some birds stand on one foot.I would have been too busy asking her about the feeding habits of animals.You know,the pleasures of life can be condensed(压缩) into multiple choice questions.

  We wouldn't have time for her playgroup,where she has gained a ton of social confidence and close friendships.She's learned how to take back a stolen toy,how to let it go if she doesn't care,how to hug her friends goodbye and to generally enjoy the company of others.All the skills are not addressed in a paper exam.

  We probably wouldn't have spent time making banana bread,doing yoga together or creating a princess castle out of building blocks -because these skills may not test well.But I argue that they are important-simply because of their ability to increase the enjoyment of life.

1.What's the author's attitude towards formal testing?

A.Practical.       B.Supportive.

C.Critical. D.Uncertain.

2.The author wants his daughter to know a snake by    .

A.raising a snake as a pet at home

B.asking the feeding habit of a snake

C.touching a snake at the nature center

D.identifying the word "snake" at home

3.What does the author want to express in the last two paragraphs?

A.His daughter has gained basic social skills.

B.There are more important skills than formal testing.

C.His daughter has lost confidence and friendships.

D.There are several barriers to the enjoyment of life.

4.The text is developed mainly by    .

A.raising questions B.analyzing causes

C.giving descriptions D.making comparisons
