四上PEP英语《Unit1 My classroom》练习检测复习试卷免费下载17
四上PEP英语《Unit1 My classroom》练习检测复习试卷免费下载17第1页

  Unit 1 My classroom Part A



  一、Look and choose.(看图片,选单词。)


  A.door  B.classroom  C.picture

  D.light E.window F.blackboard

  二、Look and write.(根据提示补全单词。)

  1.c__ke(蛋糕)  2.nam__(名字)

  3.ma__e(制作) 4.f__ce(脸)

  三、Read and find.(读单词,找不同。)

  (  )1.A.door   B.window  C.clean

  (  )2.A.girl B.desk C.classroom

  (  )3.A.picture B.near C.on

  (  )4.A.where B.six C.eight

  (  )5.A.doctor B.egg C.teacher

  四、Look and choose.(看图片,选单词。)


  A.Turn B.Open C.Look at D.Put up E.Clean

  1.______ the door.

  2.______ on the light.

  3.______ the blackboard.

  4.______ the window.

  5.______ the picture.


五、Read and choose.(读句子,选择正确答案。)