2017--2018学年人教版必修三Unit 1 Festivals around the world grammar课时作业
2017--2018学年人教版必修三Unit 1 Festivals around the world grammar课时作业第1页

Unit 1 Festivals around the world grammar课时作业


1.Expanding populations and steadily improving communications brought more trade and contact,but also more between social groups.

A.cooperation B.friction

C.liberation D.distribution

答案 B

解析 句意为:人口的增长和稳步改善的交流带来了更多的贸易和联系,但是也带来了两个社会群体之间更多的摩擦。cooperation合作;friction摩擦,不和;liberation解放;distribution分散,分布。根据题干中的but判断,应填trade和contact的对立词。故选B。

2.While reading,try to develop a more attitude,instead of accepting everything at face value.

A.realistic B.critical

C.ambiguous D.casual

答案 B

解析 句意为:在阅读时,努力养成更加批判性的态度,而不是对任何事情都一味地接受。 realistic现实的;critical批评的,批判的;ambiguous模糊的,模棱两可的;casual随便的。故选B。

3.By applying the theory to the problem,we can brush away the details and simple patterns.

A.release B.reject

C.reveal D.replace

答案 C

解析 句意为:通过把这个理论应用于这个问题,我们能够去除细节,使简单的模式显现出来。reveal显示,揭示,符合题意,故选C项。release释放,发布;reject拒绝,排斥;replace代替。

4.-It's said that the plan for the project didn't pass,with the majority of the board members


-Oh,what a pity!

A.reduced to B.submitted to