2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 4 Making the news Learning about language课时作业
2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 4 Making the news Learning about language课时作业第1页

Unit 4 Making the news课时作业

Learning about language

Ⅰ 阅读理解


课标话题 人与社会·社会热点问题 体裁 记叙文 词 数 304 难度   (2019·重庆一中月考)As years went by, I realised that one of the biggest problems of these adults was worry. A large majority of my students were businessmen, executives, salesmen, engineers, accountants: a cross section of all the trades and professions-and most of them had problems!There were women in the classes-business women and housewives. They, too, had problems! Clearly, what I needed was a textbook on how to conquer worry-so again I tried to find one.

  I went to New York's great public library at Fifth Avenue and Forty­second Street and discovered to my astonishment that this library had only twenty­two books listed under the title WORRY. I also noticed, to my amusement, that it had one hundred and eighty­nine books listed under WORMS. Almost nine times as many books about worms as about worry! Surprising, isn't it? Since worry is one of the biggest problems facing mankind, you would think, wouldn't you, that every high school and college in the land would give a course on "How to Stop Worrying"?

  Yet, if there is even one course on that subject in any college in the land, I have never heard of it. No wonder David Seabury said in his book How to Worry Successfully:"We grow up with as little preparation for the pressures of experience as a bookworm asked to do a ballet(芭蕾舞)."

  The result? More than half of our hospital beds are occupied by people with nervous and emotional troubles.

  I looked over those twenty­two books on worry, reposing(靠) on the shelves of the New York Public Library. In addition, I purchased all the books on worry I could find; yet I couldn't discover even one that I could use as a text in my course for adults. So I decided to write one by myself.

  语篇导读 本文讲述了作者去图书馆找有关焦虑的书,来帮助学生,但没找到合适的书,决定自己写书的故事。

  1.What made the writer realise one of the adults' biggest problems?

  A.His wide reading. B.His practical survey.

  C.His scientific research. D.His students' real situation.

解析 D 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,作者学生的现实情况让作者了解到成年人