免费下载PEP四上英语《Unit1 My classroom》练习检测复习试卷1
免费下载PEP四上英语《Unit1 My classroom》练习检测复习试卷1第1页

 Unit 1试卷一



( )1、A. door B. floor C. window D. near

( )2、A. blackboard B. fan C. teacher D. computer

( )3、A. classroom B. light C. blackboard D. picture

( ) 4、A .on B in C. teacher's desk D. near

( )5、A. teacher's desk B. pupil C. student D. teacher

二、从方框里选择句子把对话补充完整 (只填序号)。(4分)

Chen jie: We have a new classroom?

Mike: ________________. Let's go and see.

Chen jie: It's so big! But it's dirty(脏的).

Mike: ________________.

Chen jie: OK.

Chen jie: Let me clean the teacher's desk.

Mike: ________________.

Chen jie: ____________.

Mike: thank you.

A. Let me help you.

B. Let's clean the classroom.

C. Let me clean the windows.

D. Really?


( )1.What's this? A. Really?

( )2Let me help you. B. Thank you.

( )3.We have a new classroom. C. It's a desk.

( )4.Let's clean the windows. D. One TV, many desks and chairs...

( )5.What's in the classroom? E. OK.


( )1.Chen Jie :Let me clean the board .

Amy: ______________.

A. Thank you. B. Hello. C ./

( )2.教室里面有什么?

A. What's in the classroom ?

  B. What's on the wall ?

( )3.我们有一间新教室。

A. This is a new classroom.

  B. We have a new classroom .

( )4.A: Where's my book ?


A. It's near the door .