新华学校鲁教版六年级下英语Unit 1When is your birthday?练习题及答案
新华学校鲁教版六年级下英语Unit 1When is your birthday?练习题及答案第1页

新华学校Unit 1When is your birthday?练习题及答案


1. January is the first m_______ of a year.

2. My friend's b______ is in October.

3. Teachers' Day is on S_______ 10th.

4. We have an Art F______ each year.

5. I like go to the c_______.

6. _______ (二月) is the second month of a year.

7. When is your _______(聚会) ?

8. _______ (妇女) Day is on March 8th.

9. The fourth month of a year is_______(四月).

10. They have a speech _______(比赛).

II.单项选择 (10分)

( ) 1. My school trip is _______ May.

A. In B. on C. at

(  ) 2. -When is his birthday? -It's _______

A. February B. February second C. 2008

(  ) 3. His _______T-shirt is white.

A. brother B. brothers C. brother's

(  ) 4. -____ is your mother? - She is fifty.

A. How old B. How age C. How

(  ) 5. The baby is _______.