2019--2020学年人教版必修一Unit 1 Friendship learning about language课时作业(5)
2019--2020学年人教版必修一Unit 1 Friendship learning about language课时作业(5)第2页

【答案】1-5DCBAA 6-10CBCDB 11-15DBCAD

第二节 单词拼写

1. Mo Yan, a most widely-read writer, takes a complete new a___________ to describing China's rural and folk culture.

2. The project is not finished but is still in p_____________, which is expected to be completed next week.

3. Her style of writing is rather u_____________, which makes her outstanding.

4. She was a d_____________ scientist and a gifted painter as well.

5. Snowing is exciting but too much snow can lead to a d________________.

6. Much to my ________________(宽慰), she followed my advice in the end.

7. The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil _________(名声).

8. This morning, however, a fireman ____________(意外地) discovered the cause.

9. The party then search the whole cave _____________(彻底地) but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk.

10. After a great many loud _______________(爆炸), the race began.


1. Approach 2. process 3. unique 4. distinguished 5. disaster

6. relief 7. reputation 8. accidentally 9. thoroughly 10. explosions

第三节 .阅读理解

  Michelangelo Buonarroti was born in Caprese,Italy on March 6,1475.He was still young when his family moved to Florence where Michelangelo grew up.His mother died when he was only six years old.Growing up in Florence during the Italian Renaissance was the perfect stage of young Michelangelo's life.Even as a child all he wanted to do was painting and to be an artist.

  At the age of thirteen,he went to learn from Domenico Ghirlandaio,who was not only a painter but also an artist.Michelangelo's talents became apparent as he worked for Domenico.Within a year or so Domenico sent him to the powerful Medici family to continue his training under the sculptor(雕刻家) Bertoldo di Giovanni.Michelangelo was able to work with some of the finest artists and philosophers of the time.During the next few years,Michelangelo produced many famous sculptures including Madonna of the Steps,Battle of the Centaurs and Bacchus.

  In 1496 Michelangelo moved to Rome.A year later he was asked to make a sculpture called The Pity/La Pieta.It would become one of the masterpieces of Renaissance art.Today this sculpture sits in St.Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.It is the only piece of art that Michelangelo signed.

Michelangelo's fame(名声) as a great artist began to grow.He returned to Florence and was asked to create a large statue of David.It took him a couple of years to finish the giant statue.The piece of marble(大理石) he began with was very tall and thin.Many people didn't think he could do much with it.He worked without letting anyone see it until it was finished.David became