2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour reading课时作业 (1)
2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour reading课时作业 (1)第2页

  解析:选C 细节理解题。根据Megan中的"The thing I like most about my job is the chance to meet people from different cultures."可知,Megan最喜欢她的工作中能接触到很多来自不同文化的人。

  2.Who loves working with words?

  A.Megan.       B.Frank.

  C.Gemma. D.Raoul.

  解析:选B 细节理解题。根据Frank中的"I enjoy playing around with word puzzles."可知应选B项。

  3.What problem does Raoul face?

  A.His strict boss.

  B.He is careless.

  C.His terrible cooking.

  D.He fails to get enough sleep.

  解析:选A 细节理解题。根据Raoul中的"The biggest problem is my boss ...if I forget to wash up one plate."可知,Raoul遇到的问题是他的老板非常苛刻。


  Neither rain nor snow nor the dark of night can separate Tennessee postal carrier "Mailman Mike" from his 4­and­a­half­year­old friend Carter Lawson - or keep them from their appointments.

  For the past nine months, the two have teamed up every day in the preschooler's Knoxville neighborhood for a few minutes of delivering mail together and chatting with fellow neighbors.Lawson wants to be a mail carrier when he grows up, and in an inspiring story, his mom told us how mailman Mike Crenshaw has been a role model to her son."Anyone could just be like'Go away, kid', but Mike has really gone out of his way to talk with Carter," said Cassie Lawson of the United States Postal Service carrier.Little Carter even got his own uniform to match Mike's."It's been really cute.I just couldn't believe he got a full mailman's costume," the postal service employee said.

"Every letter carrier has stops he looks forward to and this is the one I look forward to every day," said Mike."He's the end of my day, and the best part of my day.Not because it's the end, but because he's such a cute little guy."