《302edu发布》河南省驻马店市2018-2019学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 Word版含答案
《302edu发布》河南省驻马店市2018-2019学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 Word版含答案第2页



6. What does the woman want to see?

A. The foreign film at eight. B. The basketball. C. The news

7. What does the man want to see?

A. Special Orders. B. The news at eleven. C. Both.

8. When does the basketball program begin?

A. At ten. B. At eleven. C. At nine fifty-five.


9. What does the man invite the woman to do?

A. Watch a tennis match. B. Watch a volleyball match.

C. Watch a basket ball match.

10. Why does the woman refuse the invitation at first?

A. Beacuase she is too busy.

B. Beacuase she has to do something else.

C. Beacuase she takes no interest in the sport.

11. who will play the game?

A.One from the USA and the other from Spain.

B.One from the UK and the other from Spain.

C.One from the UK and the other from Spain.


12.Why is the man worried?

He Can't take part in tomorrow's party.

It's too early for him to leave the party.

He doesn't know how to get home after tomorrow's party.

13.When does the last bus for the man's home leave?

A.10 pm B. 11 pm C. 9 pm

14. What has the man decided to do?

A.T0 take a taxi home. B.To stay in a! hotel.

C.To stay in the host,s home.