2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 4 Pygmalion language points课时作业 (4)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 4 Pygmalion language points课时作业 (4)第1页

Unit 4 Pygmalion language points课时作业


  1.In the past 20 years, our living conditions (条件) have been improved a lot.

  2.There is always beautiful scenery in nature reserves (保护区).

  3.After years of struggle (奋斗), he had finally made a pile of money.

  4.All his illegal income shall be confiscated (没收) according to the law.

  5.There are lots of things to do with. Meanwhile (同时), you must rest as much as possible.

  6.He did it in the knowledge that it might endanger (danger) his life.

  7.The protection (protect) of the environment is one of the basic state policies of the Chinese government.

  8.Security cameras have been installed to guard against poachers (poach).

  9.The plant is now in danger of extinction (extinct).

  10.I did not think him to be worthy (worth) of trust.


  in danger, struggle for, give one's life, on the spot, come into fashion, put down, get tough with, thanks to, at a time, take an active part in

  1.The people are in_danger;_we must help them off.

  2.What I'd like to do is fire you on_the_spot.

  3.It's about time teachers started to get_tough_with bullies (横行霸道者).

  4.Since being a manager, Robert struggled_for employees' respect.

  5.Long skirts have come_into_fashion again.

  6.The Chinese economy has made these achievements thanks_to reform and innovation.

  7.Beat in the eggs, one at_a_time.

  8.Tom gave_his_life to save the fisherman from the storm at sea.

  9.The army should support and take_an_active_part_in national construction.

  10.After two rings I put_down the phone.


  1.The room seems_to_have_been_broken_into.


  2.While_visiting_the_art_exhibition,_we discussed the great artist's works.


  3.Shoes play an important role in our life, for they can protect_our_feet_from_being_hurt.
