2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 2 Cloning Grammar课时作业 (2)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 2 Cloning Grammar课时作业 (2)第2页

  解析:选D 句意:当你听到火警声时,不要惊慌逃离,应该保持冷静。in alarm"惊慌地",符合题意。in surprise"惊讶地";in need"需要";in brief"简言之"。

  6.This magazine is not ________. It was published several years ago.

  A.out­of­date B.up­to­date

  C.out­of­the­way D.well­to­do

  解析:选B out­of­date"过期的"; up­to­date"最新的";out­of­the­way"偏僻的";well­to­do"富裕的"。根据语境可知B项正确。

  7.Since you've ________ to sign the contract with the foreign company. You might as well begin to expand your business overseas.

  A.managed B.served

  C.adapted D.constructed

  解析:选A 句意:既然你已经成功和那个外企签下了协议。你不妨也开始扩展海外贸易。manage意为"设法完成,设法做到";serve意为"服务";adapt意为"适应";construct意为"建造"。根据后面的语境可知此处表示设法完成了那个协议,故A项正确。

  8.Children in school are ________ into grades according to how much they know.

  A.classified B.catalogued

  C.qualified D.identified

  解析:选A 句意:根据孩子们懂得的多少,他们在学校被分为不同的年级。classify "将......分类";catalogue "编入目录";qualify "(使)具有资格";identify "识别,鉴别"。

  9.With no one to ________ in such a frightening situation, she felt very helpless.

  A.turn to B.turn on

  C.turn off D.turn over

  解析:选A 句意:在这样的危急时刻无人能求助,她感觉非常无助。turn to"向......求助",符合题意。turn on"打开(收音机等)";turn off "关掉";turn over "翻身,翻转"。

  10.His nationality isn't ________ to whether he is a good lawyer.

  A.close B.relevant

  C.devoted D.determined

解析:选B 句意:他的国籍跟他是不是一个好律师无关。be relevant to"和......紧密相关的",符合题意。be close to "靠近";be devoted to "致力于";be determined to do "决定、决意做......"。