2018--2019学年人教版选修六Unit 3 A healthy life language points课时作业(3)
2018--2019学年人教版选修六Unit 3 A healthy life language points课时作业(3)第2页

can'see'you and follow you around on flat surfaces like airport floors"可知,随身手提箱只能在表面平整的地方跟着主人,在有台阶的地方不行。]

22.What can we infer from the passage?

A.The carry­on suitcase is on the market now.

B.Robots have already been widely used in our daily life.

C.The bluetooth pairing technology has great application prospects.

D.Shopping carts are mostly used by disabled and old people at the supermarket.

答案 C [推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句"If it proves successful,they want to use the bluetooth pairing technology to automate lots of other devices,like shopping carts at the supermarket"可推知,这种新的蓝牙技术未来有很大的应用前景。]

23.What's Libman's attitude towards robotics?

A.Critical. B.Optimistic.

C.Skeptical. D.Unclear.

答案 B [观点态度题。根据最后一段的"'Any object can be smart and robotic,'Libman said. 'We want to bring robots into everyday life. '"可推知,Libman对机器人技术持乐观态度。]

Market research has been done to see if people would accept meat from either cloned animals or the offspring(后代)of clones. A study done by the International Food Information Council in 2007 asked US respondents (调查对象) if they would buy meat,milk,and eggs from cloned animals.

Of the respondents,10% would be"very likely",36% would be"somewhat likely",while 28% would be "not too likely" and a quarter "not at all likely".The respondents were slightly more favourable(乐于接受的) when asked the same question about the offspring of cloned animals.

In the US,the hormone(激素)rBST is given to cows to increase milk production.