人教版高中英语必修三 Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note单元测试卷(二) Word版含答案
人教版高中英语必修三  Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note单元测试卷(二) Word版含答案第2页


  After seeing the famous movie series Pirates of the Caribbean(《加勒比海盗》), Alexander Marchenko, a 38­year­old businessman from a small Russian village, decided to build his very own copy of the Black Pearl pirate ship.

  Marchenko has traveled all over Russia, and believes that there is no other land more beautiful than his hometown. He decided to take advantage of the beautiful environment and build a hotel.

  He had noticed the other restaurants and hotels in the area all looked the same way, so he tried to come up with something special that would attract visitors. He was wondering what kind of hotel he would build when the Black Pearl came into his mind. He decided to build his own Black Pearl ship. Without any ship building experience, he went online and downloaded photos of famous ships to use as guides. And he started working on it immediately. It's been two years since he worked on his ship. Now, his own Black Pearl is starting to take shape on the Yenisei River.

  The 21­meter­long vessel is made of wood produced locally, and the ship's "captain" plans to add all the tiniest details (细节) of the original Black Pearl. Right now, Marchenko is working on the interior decorations(内部装修). He spends most of his time in the workshop, making all the little designs by hand. So far, he has spent 3.5 million rubles.

  Marchenko hopes to finish the work this summer. Judged by the attention his ship is getting in its current state; he believes that upon completion, tourists will flock to see his wooden wonder.

  21. Alexander Marchenko believes that .

  A. his hometown is cleaner than any other village

  B. his small village will become a tourist attraction

  C. he can build the Black Pearl pirate ship with ease

  D. his hometown is more beautiful than any other land

  22.Which of the following words can be used to describe his hotel?

  A. Special.       B. Environmentally­friendly.

  C. Tiny. D. Expensive.

  23. The underlined word "vessel" in Paragraph 4 means " ".

  A. hotel B. car

  C. movie D. ship

  24. What does Marchenko think of the future of his hotel?

  A. He is very confident of its success.

  B. He is doubtful about its success.

  C. He is worried about its success.

  D. He is not aware of the hotel's future.

  You've probably read the books. You've probably seen the movies. But have you heard the music? The latest Harry Potter news is that bands have been forming to play what is called "wizard rock" or sometimes just "wrock".

  The new kind of music began when Joe DeGeorge and his brother Paul decided that the characters from Harry Potter would make a great band. Ron on guitar, Hermione on bass, Hagrid on drums and Harry singing up front would make for an excellent group. In one day, the brothers wrote, practised and performed six songs about life at Hogwarts. After the first performance, Paul decided that "we're Harry and the Potters."

Wizard rock is pretty much what it sounds like: rock 'n' roll inspired by and set in the world of Harry Potter. The DeGeorges started a trend. Today, there are dozens of wizard-rock bands: the Whomping Willows, the Remus Lupins and the Moaning