2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 4 Earthquakes using language课时作业 (3)
2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 4 Earthquakes using language课时作业 (3)第1页

  Unit 4 Earthquakes using language课时作业


  My husband always cares for older people and has helped out several elderly friends in the past,but this story is different!

  Mr Daves __1__ the same lake as my husband John for over 15 years and a friendship developed.Mrs Daves __2__ five years ago.Mr Daves,who had no__3__,was alone.He felt __4__,so John took Mr Daves fishing with him every time he went.Mr Daves was 80 years old but he was very __5__ and never tired of being with John.

  A few years later Mr Daves had a stroke (中风).As a result,he lost his __6__ and couldn't move his right side.Then he was put into a nursing home.Unable to communicate or __7__,Mr Daves began to suffer from depression.John felt __8__ for him.

  He finally got __9__ from the nursing home to take Mr Daves out for a ride.They were both __10__ to be together again but it was very __11__ for Mr Daves to be lifted into John's truck.John worried about this,__12__he still took Mr Daves out about every ten days.

  John had gotten his truck a year earlier and he __13__ it.One day he sold it in order to __14__ a van (货车) that was equipped for a __15__.With the van,Mr Daves could go out more __16__ and they both enjoyed their outings so much more.They are so __17__ that the nursing home staff all believe that John is his son.

  Mr Daves is now 85 but is still __18__ life thanks to John.John __19__ his favourite truck to help his friend.I hope he can be a(n) __20__ for others to take similar steps to help those who are in need.

  语篇解读 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了作者的丈夫热心帮助一位老年朋友的故事。

  1.A.built       B.crossed

  C.fished D.watched

  解析: 由下文的John took Mr Daves fishing with him every time he went可推测,Daves先生和作者的丈夫曾在同一个湖里"钓鱼(fished)"。

  答案: C

  2.A.appeared B.died

  C.worked D.started

  解析: 由下文的was alone及John主动照顾Daves先生可推测,此处指Daves夫人五年前"去世(died)"了。

  答案: B

  3.A.house B.money

C.children D.friends