2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 3 Under the sea Learning about language课时作业(7)
2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 3 Under the sea Learning about language课时作业(7)第3页

  how we feel about ourselves. Of course, it takes up sizeable amounts of time, focus and energy. We complain about getting on that rush-hour train or the way the boss speaks;we laugh about the pain of Monday mornings and the thrill of annual leave. But for many people, work has ceased to be simply a source of complaints or a joke.

  But haven't there always been tough roles, heavy workloads or overtime?Why has this work-related illness arisen now?From the research that has been carried out on this subject, the workload is consistently cited as the most common reason for this ill health.

  But as our jobs are not going to change any time soon, it's time to change ourselves. Mental-health experts often talk about resilience:the ability to cope, survive and bounce back from difficulties. Some abilities are inborn, but resilience can be built and fostered(培养)-and certainly so in one's working life.

  We know that resilience at work is partly fostered by supportive relationships. So it is important to nurture healthy interpersonal relationships at work, whether that is through the support of a good manager or through friendship with work colleagues. Any supportive relationship you invest in at work will improve your stress level.

  Resilience can also be fostered by taking control. That is not easy in the face of a demanding boss or terrible workloads, so you might need to look for it elsewhere. Being able to take control in other areas of your life also leads to empowerment and grows your confidence. Control or change your journey to work, what you have for lunch or even who you sit with in the canteen.

  Small changes may seem trivial(微不足道的), but they are super effective. Psychologists talk about micro-actions and these are incredibly powerful in the face of stress-changing controllable aspects of your life so that those repeated small successes foster self-esteem, confidence and ultimately more success in the bigger areas of your life. It is also crucial not to let everything become related to work. Look for micro-successes elsewhere, in your hobbies, your exercise goals and your life plan.

Our work appears to be making more and more of us unwell. But we all have the ability to make ourselves better.