《302edu发布》安徽省六安市第一中学2020届高三上学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版含答案
《302edu发布》安徽省六安市第一中学2020届高三上学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版含答案第2页

8. Where did the man buy his hat?

A.A derpartment store B.A mall store C.A supermarket


9. What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Friends B. Husband and wife C.Doctor and patient

10. What's the woman's problem?

A. She dislikes her job B.She is tired of hard work

C.She has trouble getting to sleep

11. What does the man offer the woman?

A. Some advice B. Some pills C.Some milk


12. Why does Angela call the police?

A.Something has been stolen

B.She thinks someone is breaking into her house

C.Someone is making a lot of noise in her garden

13. What's the woman's telephone number?

A. 9382669 B.9382699 C.9482629

14. What's the policeman's advice?

A. Try to run away B. Ask her neighbors for help

C. Wait for the police officer to arrive


15. What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A. They are close friends B. They are shop assistant and customer

C. They are strangers

16. Why did the man talk to the woman?

A. He wanted to buy a house

B. He wanted to get a job

C. He wanted to rent a flat

17. How much will the mail pay for the biggest one each year?

A. 3f600 dollars B. 2,400 dollars C. 3,000 dollars