新目标七年级上册英语《Unit4 Where's my schoolbag》练习试卷6
新目标七年级上册英语《Unit4 Where's my schoolbag》练习试卷6第3页

____________________ ?________________ .


1)My backpack is under the chair. (对划线部分提问)


2)The plant is on the table.(对划线部分提问)


3)My dictionary is in the backpack.(变一般疑问句)



This is Mr. Wang's room. His bed is ___ the floor. The bookcase is _____ the bed. The clock is ____the wall. Next to it there is a _______ and some books are in it. Mr. Wang is _____ the chair _____ ____the desk. A computer, a ruler, a notebook, a pen_____ a phone

are it .Look! A fish is ____ the drawer. What's ______ the chair? It's his football. Where ___ his TV? I don't______.

Unit 4 Where 's my schoolbag?

Section A 2d

【交流部分】3、Read the conversation in 2d

物品 bag map hat 位置 4、Read the conversation in 2d and answer these questions.

1. Where is Jack's bag?

2. Is Jack's map in his grandparents' room?

3. Where's Jack's hat?

4. Then role-play the conversation.


  Mom: Come on, Jack!

Jack: Oh, no! Where's my ?

Mom: Hmm...is it your desk?

Jack: No. And it's not the chair.