河北省邯郸市永年县一中2019届高三上学期11月16日周测英语试卷 Word版含答案
河北省邯郸市永年县一中2019届高三上学期11月16日周测英语试卷 Word版含答案第5页

35.. What is the text mainly about?

A. The rise and fall of a city. B. The gold rush in Canada.

C. Journeys into the wilderness. D. Tourism in Dawson.



Before there was the written word, there was the language of dance. Dance expresses love and hate, joy and sorrow ,life and death, and everything else in between.

36 We dance from Florida to Alaska, from north to south and sea to sea. We dance at weddings, birthdays , office parties and just to fill the time.

"I adore dancing," says Lester Bridges, the owner of a dance studio in Iowa. "I can't imagine doing anything else with my life." Bridges runs dance classes for all ages. "Teaching dance is wonderful. 37 It's great to watch them. For many of them, it's a way of meeting people and having a social life."

38 "I can tell you about one young couple," says Bridges. "They're learning to do traditional dances. They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile. 39"

So, do we dance in order to make ourselves feel better, calmer, healthier? Andrea Hillier says,"Dance, like the pattern of a beating heart, is life. Even after all these years, I want to get better and better. 40 I find it hard to stop! Dancing reminds me I'm alive."

A. So why do we dance?

B. Dance in the U.S.is everywhere.

C. If you like dancing outdoors, come to America.

D. My older students say it makes them feel young.

E. I keep practicing even When I'm extremely tired.

F. Dancing seems to change their feeling completely.

G. They stayed up all night long singing and dancing.

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共 20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

 A couple of weeks ago, when we were leaving one of those horrible giant trampoline bouncy(弹跳床)places, my 11-year-old daughter said to me, "I don't think I'm very athletic, you know, like Rocket (her brother). He seems to be really good at 41 ."

  What came out my mouth 42 me: "No, you're kind of not."

  Okay, let me 43 . As you may have guessed, this child has been with me for about 11 years, so I've had enough time to 44 her engaging in physical acts: jumping, climbing, running, and organized sports.

  And the kid is just 45 me: two left feet. If anybody was ever NOT a "natural" 46 , that person is me.

But even 47 these facts, my first instinct(本能反应)was to show her with some