吉林省辉南县第一中学2018-2019高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷 Word版含答案
吉林省辉南县第一中学2018-2019高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷 Word版含答案第5页


  Only about 5,500 people live in Luling. But since 1954, the population has swelled on the last weekend in June. Now, tens of thousands of people come from all around to attend the four­day festival.

  "The seed­spitting crowds get into it," said Edgar Camacho, who is father to four seed­spitting champions. "Parents from Luling take it seriously."

  The competition is limited to about 50 kids and 50 adults. The kids are divided into four age groups. For the individual (个人的) competition, everyone gets two spits, and judges record the better one. For the team event, judges take the sum of four spits from four participants (参与者).

   "It's really fun and exciting," said Victoria Camacho, 14. "The crowd is all watching you and cheering for you, and your family is there." About 200 people watch. "It's really a lot of pressure because you don't want to mess up."

  Victoria won her age group four years ago with a spit of 36 feet. Two years ago, her brother A. J., 17, broke the youth record in Luling when he spat a seed 58 feet 91/2 inches. That's more than half the length of a basketball court. (The adult seed­spitting world record, set in 1989, is 68 feet 91/8 inches.)

   "It's fun to come out and compete every year. It's just a really competitive spirit that all the families have," said A. J., who has won the seed­spitting contest about 10 times.

  The Camachos have no plans to give up their competitive spitting anytime soon.

   "Even if I don't live in Texas," said Davis Camacho, 20, a five­time winner. "I'll make the yearly journey to Luling."

  24.What does the underlined word "swelled" in Paragraph 3 mean?

  A.Increased.  B.Doubled. C.Recovered. D.Dropped.


  25.What's the rule for the group competition?

  A.Everyone gets two spits.

  B.The best four spits are recorded.

  C.Each team member can spit only once.

  D.Participants are divided into four age groups.


  26.How does Victoria feel about the competition?

A.Confident and lucky. B.Stupid and bored.