山东省烟台市2019届高三上学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案
山东省烟台市2019届高三上学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案第5页


  Rey Castueiano didn't plan to become his father's primary caregiver,but when Castuciano spent six weeks in a nursing home with his father who had a stroke(中风),it led to a moment that changed Castuciano's life for the better.

  "I befriended a lot of the nursing home residents(居民),"Castuciano says."I got to know them and noticed how many talents and how much wisdom they had.But there was also a lot of depression and social isolation."

  During one of his stops in the nursing home's café,he watched a video about seniors in the United States helping Brazilian students improve their English through Skype sessions.

  That's when his idea was born.He saw a way to benefit two populations,older Americans and newcomers,at once.And in 2014,he founded Table Wisdom,whose mission is to bring together mature adults and younger people born abroad(i.e.,recent immigrants and international students)for weekly guidance and conversational English via video chat.

  "Being a caregiver wasn't something I was prepared to do."he notes."It was kind of just presented to me,and I had to figure it out.It call be very exhausting and stressful,balancing caregiving with being the founder of a social enterprise.But at the same time,it's satisfying and rewarding work."And Castueiano says that he's on the fight path.To date,Table Wisdom has made more than 90 matches.To match people,common interests and personality type are taken into consideration.

  Most connect by whatever video software they prefer(for example,FaceTime or WeChat).For the older adults who struggle with technology or don't have a reliable internet connection,conversations can take place by phone.

  These days,Castuciano is planning to help his parents reunite with family members in southern California,since his father is now doing well.He says,"Taking care of older people is embedded(融入)in our culture."

25.How did Castuciano have the idea of founding Table Wisdom?

A.By working in the nursing home's cafe.

B.By helping newcomers improve their English.