
4. A. dislike B. dislikes

C. hobbies D. enjoyments


5. A. 13-year-old B. 13-years-old

C. 11 year-old D. 11-years-old

【解析】选A。考查复合形容词。由"数词+名词+形容词"构成一个复合词, 相当于一个形容词, 用两个连字符连接, 名词用单数。这个复合词在该句中作boy的定语, 意为"一个13岁的男孩"。

6. A. also B. too C. but D. and

【解析】选C。考查语境理解。句意为"它们恐怖但是令人兴奋", 语气转折。

7. A. for B. with C. to D. of

【解析】选A。考查介词辨析。句意为"它们(纪录片)是给父母看的", for意为"为......"。

8. A. can't B. didn't C. doesn't D. couldn't

【解析】选B。考查时态。He said后接的是从句, 受主句过去时态的制约。

9. A. so B. why C. because D. before

【解析】选C。考查连词。句意为"但是他不喜欢喜剧片, 因为喜剧片无聊。"because意为"因为", 符合句意。

10. A. enjoy B. enjoys C. watch D. watches

【解析】选B。考查语境理解。enjoy sth. "喜欢某事", everyone是不定代词, 作主语时看作单数形式。所以用动词enjoys。

Ⅳ. 阅读理解(10分)

  Little Tom likes cartoons very much. When the cartoons begin on TV, he does nothing until they're over. Sometimes he'd rather(宁可)wait for a long time and go to bed late. In the morning his mother has to wake him up, or he'll be late for school.

  Yesterday Tom heard there would be an interesting cartoon today. This morning, as soon as he got up, he turned on the television, but he didn't see the program on it. He had to have breakfast and then go to school. After school he ran home while his mother was cooking supper in the kitchen. He hurried to the sitting room and turned on the television again, but he couldn't find the cartoon. He rushed into the kitchen and asked his mother for help.

  "It's only five now, "said the woman, "Your program will be after supper. "

  "Well, let's have supper right now!"