2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 4 Pygmalion grammar课时作业 (7)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 4 Pygmalion grammar课时作业 (7)第2页

  to"专心于",符合句意。absorb"使全神贯注"; interest"使......感兴趣"; appeal"吸引"。

  4.Several causes contribute to the food price hikes, such as the ________ weather and record oil paces.

  A.abnormal B.typical

  C.terminal D.optional

  解析:选A 句意:好几个因素导致了食品价格的攀升,例如反常的天气和创纪录的油价涨幅。abnormal"异常的"; typical"典型的,有代表性的,一贯的"; terminal"晚期的,不治的"; optional"可选择的"。

  5.Despite their lack of interest, Fleming kept trying out the chemical to make sure it would be safe and ________.

  A.expensive B.complex

  C.effective D.comfortable

  解析:选C 句意:尽管他们缺乏兴趣,弗莱明还是继续试验那种化学品以确保它安全而有效。effective"有效的",符合句意。

  6.Speaking in an inspection in Yunnan Province, Xi Jinping said authorities must ________ poverty removal efforts to support the building of a rich and successful country.

  A.anticipate B.allocate

  C.appreciate D.accelerate

  解析:选D 句意:习近平在云南省的一次视察讲话中说,当地政府必须加速(accelerate)消除贫困的努力来支持一个富裕和成功的国家的建设。anticipate"预期,预料"; allocate"分配,分发"; appreciate"欣赏,感激,理解"; accelerate"加速,加快,促进"。

  7.This new engine must be thoroughly ________ before being put on the market.

  A.made out B.picked out

  C.tried out D.cut out

  解析:选C 句意:这种新式发动机在投放市场之前一定要进行全面的试验。A项"辨别;理解";B项"挑选出";C项"测试,试验";D项"删除,剪下"。根据语境可知C项正确。

8.The US federal government has released 252 ________ so far, covering fields including