湖南省株洲市某校2019-2020学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案
湖南省株洲市某校2019-2020学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案第1页


          (考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)




1.What is the man looking for?

  A. Glasses. B. Bookstore. C. Bathroom.

2.Which country is the woman going to next week?

  A. England. B. Canada. C. America.

3.What kind of music does the man like?

  A. Folk music. B. Classical music. C. Pop music.

4.Why doesn't the woman buy the coat?

  A. There isn't her size. B. It is expensive. C. She doesn't like the color.

5.What did the man do yesterday?

  A. He went to see his friend. B. He had a job interview. C. He had a meeting.




6.What kind of person is Mr Hudson?

A. A person who often gets angry. B. A person who cares nothing.

C. A very good worker.

7.Why is Mr Hudson so sad?

A. Because his son has brought him some trouble.

  B. Because his manager wants to fire him.

C. Because his mother has fallen ill.

8.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.Mr Hudson is worried about his mother's illness.

B.Mr Hudson is worried about his son.

C.Mr Hudson is worried about his work.


9.When did the woman speaker's room catch fire?

A.Last night. B.Yesterday morning. C.Last Friday evening.

10.What caused the fire?