2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 2 Cloning Grammar课时作业 (2)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 2 Cloning Grammar课时作业 (2)第3页

  11.Welcome, everyone! Maria, ________ tell us a little about the Venice Film Festival.

  A.do B.does

  C.to do D.doing

  解析:选A do加在动词前起强调作用,译为"一定"。后句句意:玛丽亚,务必告诉我们一些关于威尼斯电影节的事情。

  12.Mom, I promise I ________ all the work by the time you are back this evening.

  A.will have done B.have done

  C.will be doing D.have been doing

  解析:选A 句意:妈妈,我保证在你今天晚上回来的时候我已经完成所有的工作。by the time意为"到......时候",是完成时的标志。"this evening"表示事情发生在将来,因此此处应用将来完成时。故答案选A。

  13.-Shall I have another look at the flat and tell you more about it?

  -________.I'll telephone the salesgirl for details myself later.

  A.Go ahead B.Good chance

  C.Don't bother D.It depends

  解析:选C C项"不麻烦了",符合题意。A项表示许可,"行,可以";B项"好机会";D项"看情况而定"。

  14.Mrs. Feng loves her students and is always creative in teaching English. No one doubts her ________ as a teacher.

  A.competition B.competence

  C.compulsion D.complication

  解析:选B 句意:冯老师爱她的学生并且在英语教学中富有创造力。没人怀疑她作为一名老师的能力。competence"能力,胜任";competition"竞争,比赛";compulsion "强制,强迫";complication "复杂,混乱"。根据句意可知B项正确。

  15.-How did that accident happen?

  -You know, I couldn't see the road clearly, because it ________ heavily.

  A.snowed B.is snowing

  C.snows D.was snowing

解析:选D 答句句意:你知道,我无法看清道路,因为当时雪下得很大。根据语境可知,此空强调"当时雪正下得很大",用过去进行时表示当时正在发生的动作,符合语境。故