2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 2 Working the land learning about language 课时作业 (5)
2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 2 Working the land learning about language 课时作业 (5)第2页

  A.it was a wonder for their father to escape from death

  B.most doctors refused to operate on their father

  C.the sons' love is the cure of their father's disease

  D.the sons' pray moved God and saved their father

  解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第三段中的"He had a 99% chance of dying"和第五段中的"And the 1% won against the 99%."可推断A项正确。

  3.What was the attitude of Matthew's wife when he was advised to cut his legs and arms?

  A.Doubtful.      B.Supportive.

  C.Cautious. D.Casual.

  解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第六段中的"For Diane, the choice was easy.She could not allow their children to grow up without a father."可判断他妻子Diane是支持他截肢保命的。

  4.What would be the best title for the passage?

  A.A Lucky Father B.A Bionic Man

  C.A National Hero D.A Reliable Husband

  解析:选B 标题归纳题。这是一则关于Matthew Ames因病截肢后安装人工假肢的新闻报道,所以用A Bionic Man作为标题合适。


   I am the third daughter in a family of five.I was born at Malden Hospital and was immediately sent to Floating Hospital in Boston.I had a hole in my heart and a low platelet count (血小板计数), which are common problems of people with TAR syndrome (综合征).I came home for a short stay after my birth and then went back and did not return home until just before Thanksgiving.My parents have told me that after I was born our family doctor had a very important conversation with them.He said,"You have two choices with your daughter.One is that you do everything for her now, in the future, and after you die; the other is that you do nothing." My parents picked the former.

  I do not have a great many memories of my childhood but I do remember I spent the first ten years in and out of hospitals.I do remember I stayed in the Boston hospital until I was around 2 years old and then I w

  ent to Shriners.I guess few children can bear that.

I've grown up with great determination.I think that was a personality trait that I was born with and then my family developed that in me as I grew up.I had to deal with a lot of people making fun of me, staring at me, and pitying me.At a young age I realized that I could hide my pain with laughter.So I used that method when other children made fun of me and they stopped a lot faster than if I cried.Laughter was not the expected response so I guess they didn't feel it was fun to continue.There was emotional and physical pain.I required the aid of a walker until I was about