2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 3 Life in the future grammar课时作业
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 3 Life in the future grammar课时作业第3页

3. 一出火车站,火车就开始加速。(speed up)


4. 我一进教室,铃就响了。(the instant)


5. 我对他的所作所为不满意。(what)



1.Many up­to­date inventions are on show in the exhibition.

2. Given another chance,the excited boy jumped with joy.

3. The moment the train left the station,it began to speed up.

4. The bell rang the instant I entered the classroom.

5. I'm not satisfied with what he did.


  I was working as a consultant(顾问) in a beer company, __21__the president and senior vice­presidents create and put into their new strategic(战略的) vision. It was an__22__challenge.

  At the same time, my __23__was in the final stages of cancer.

  I worked during__24__and drove 40 miles home to be with her every night. It was__25__and stressful, but it was__26__I wanted to do. My duty was to continue to do excellent consulting during the day, __27__my evenings were very hard. I didn't mean__28__the president with my situation, __29__I felt someone at the company needed to know what was going on. So I told the vice­president of Human Resources, asking him not to__30__the information with anyone.

  A few days__31__, the president called me into his office. I figured he wanted to talk to me about one of the many issues we were__32__.When I entered, he__33__me to sit down. He faced me from across his large desk, looked me in__34__eyes and said, "I hear your mother is very__35__."

   I was __36__caught by surprise and burst into tears. He just__37__at me, let my crying subside (平息), and then gently said a sentence I will__38__forget: "Whatever you need."

That was__39__.His understanding and his willingness to let me be in my pain and to offer me__40__were qualities of compassion (同情) that I carry with