2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 3 life in the future using language课时作业(2)
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 3 life in the future using language课时作业(2)第2页

  found myself crying all the time without reason.

  Things went from bad to worse and I was 46 risk of losing my job. James took me to see my long-term doctor,who told me I had to go on medical 47 immediately. I fought him as if crazy,but in the end,he and James 48.

  I was so ashamed. I thought I had lost my mind,which I didn't want anyone to 49. I made James promise not to tell our families and it broke his heart to have everything 50. I still feel awful that I made James 51 that way,but I'm so 52 to have a partner who was willing to make such a sacrifice for me.

  I began to take days off before I got my diagnosis:fibromyalgia(纤维肌痛) and a sleep disorder-so severe 53 it forced me to wake up over two dozen times an hour!There is no cure,but both can be 54. I remembered sitting in my doctor's office,55,"Why me?"James and I had been married for just two years and 56 this illness was testing both of us,and testing our marriage as well. It all seemed so 57. Just then,my doctor said,"No one 58 you anything. You are not owed a perfect,healthy life. Anything you get in this world is a gift. 59,stop thinking you're miserable just because life has handed you some 60. Get over these difficulties and find a way to live."

语篇解读 作者通过自己的经历告诉我们:生活中没有什么事情是理所当然的,任何事物都是上天的礼物,我们要转变心态,积极地面对生活。

41.A.appointed B.introduced C.judged D.regarded

答案 A

解析 根据后半句"我似乎实现了美国梦"可推测上半句是说自己最近刚被任命为经理,故选A。

42.A.behave B.fall C.react D.work

答案 B

解析 由下一句"It started with full-body pain"(一开始,我浑身疼)可知,我生病了。Fall ill生病。故选B。

43.A.ability B.characteristic C.responsibility D.personality

答案 D

解析 我的性格都变了,我从一个快乐的、精力充沛的女孩变成了一个连我老公都不认识的人。

答案 C