2018--2019学年人教版选修八unit 5 meeting your ancestors reading课时作业 (7)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八unit 5 meeting your ancestors reading课时作业 (7)第3页

  swimming. Try to __15__ with yourself that it is impossible for one person to be the best in every __16__ of life. You have been __17__ to be successful; with a little more __18__ many others could become better than you.In this way, you will be able to stay modest. Remember to listen to others, to __19__ their help and to accept the fact that you may be wrong. Always keep in __20__ that: modesty helps one to go forward, whereas pride makes one lag behind.


  C.adapts D.sticks

  解析:选B 句意:成功会给人带来成就感和满足感;会带来快乐,会让你对自己的能力感到自信并且油然而生自豪感。根据句意,此处应选择成功所导致的结果,故应使用lead to"导致"。

  2.A.shy B.weak

  C.cautious D.accurate

  解析:选C 但是你应该小心谨慎,以防成功冲昏了你的头脑。从but可知此处和前文有逻辑上的转折关系。前文提到成功会让人感到自豪,故此处应使用cautious"小心谨慎的"。

  3.A.delicate B.beautiful

  C.shining D.bright

  解析:选C 特蕾莎嬷嬷就是一个杰出的榜样。shining"杰出的,发光的"。

  4.A.feed B.support

  C.keep D.nurse

  解析:选D 她收养被抛弃的孩子,并且尽可能地照顾他们,让他们重获健康。nurse"看护,照顾"。

  5.A.found B.set

  C.built D.founded

  解析:选D 她为儿童、残疾人和老年人创建了家园,并且创办了仁爱传教修女会。根据句意并结合常识可知此处应使用found"创办"。

6.A.honest B.faithful