2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour language points课时作业 (2)
2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour language points课时作业 (2)第5页

  14.A.easy B.same

  C.different D.similar

  解析:选B 卓别林通过动作来表达和语言"相同的(same)"内容。

  15.A.arrived B.reached

  C.moved D.got

  解析:选C 由前文的"Having lived in America"及后文的"Switzerland"可知他"搬到了(moved to)"瑞士。

  16.A.described B.instructed

  C.conducted D.encouraged

  解析:选A 他把自己"描述(described)"为一个世界公民,而不是专属于某个国家的公民。

  17.A.other than B.rather than

  C.or rather D.other from

  解析:选B 由空格前后的"a citizen of the world"及"any particular country"可知,卓别林把自己看作一个世界公民,"而不是(rather than)"专属于某个国家的公民。

  18.A.truth B.fact

  C.reason D.secret

  解析:选D 在卓别林看来,相信自己是成功的"秘诀(secret)"。

  19.A.wondering B.traveling

  C.wandering D.walking

  解析:选C 与第2空后的"he wandered about the city ..."相呼应。

  20.A.drink B.sleep

  C.hide D.eat

  解析:选D 与前面的"He found food and shelter __4__ he could."相呼应。


  One morning I was having walk in the park when I saw Mr. Wang, my friend's father. He was sitting alone on a roadside bench. I went up to him and wish him a good morning. Delighting to see me, he had invited me to sit next to him. He said,"I'm retired now but I often feel lonely." This hit me hardly and I wondered how to do to make his life different. I knew he was a painter, so I asked a lots about his painting experiences. Finally, I asked him,"Can you teach us to paint?" He agreed happily and now every other day, I go to learn to painting.

