2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 3 Life in the future using language课时作业(4)
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 3 Life in the future using language课时作业(4)第1页

Unit 3 life in the future using language课时作业

第一节 七选五 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



How to Enjoy Your Family

  Everyone has at least a little family drama,and you should still you're your family no matter how many challenges are brought upon you. If you really trust your family,you should know they will always be there for you. 1.

  Look back on the previous moments that you have had you're your family. If you can think of no good memories with your family,2. Your friends are a big part of your life,and even though they aren't related to you,that doesn't mean you can't call them your family.

3. Make sure they know how you feel. Tell them that there have been things bothering you for a while,and you just want them to understand. If you tell them how you feel,then maybe they will give you more respect.

  If you are a teenager,remember that they are the ones that provide you a home and food. If they weren't there,then neither would you. Just be grateful. 4.

  Spend more time with your family. Have a"family game night".Go to see a movie,go out to dinner,go on vacation and so on. 5!

  If your family is just boring in general,and you are having a tough time enjoying their personalities,then expose your family to fun.

A.Here are the steps that will help you to learn about your family

B.There are people in the world living without any home or family

C.There are a large number of fun things you can do with your family

D.remember you still have your friends

E.Talk to your family

F.You should be thankful and enjoy what you have

G.try to start a blog or website of your own

答案 1.F 2.D 3.E 4.B 5.C

第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)



One day,a kind woman happened to say something that hurt her best friend of many years. She 1 immediately and would do anything to take the words back. What she said hurt the friend so 2 that this good woman herself was hurt for the 3 she caused. In an effort to undo what she had