
His First Name His Last Name His Phone Number He Lost Age(年龄) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 四、从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答语 (每小题1分,共10分)

( ) 1. What's his phone number? A. W-A-T-C-H.

( ) 2. Where is his hat? B. OK!

( ) 3.What's this in English? C. I' m fine, too.Thank you.

( ) 4 How do you spell watch? D. It's green.

( ) 5 Can you bring the bag to me? E. Good morning, Mr. Li..

( ) 6 Fine, thank you, and you? F. Alan Smith.

( ) 7 What color is the quilt ? G. Yes, it's my dictionary.

( ) 8 Good morning, class. H. It's 569784123.

( ) 9 What's your name? I. It's under the chair.

( ) 10 Is this your dictionary? J. It's a pencil sharpener.


A: Hello!

B: 1 .

A: Nice to meet you.

B: 2 .

A: 3 ?

B: Oh, it's a watch.

A: 4 ?


A: And ?

B: Yes, it is. It's my watch. Thank you.


1. I am a s________of Grade Seven . 2. Can you s ________the word parent ?

3. He isn't t____ ,his books are everywhere. 4. Thanks for your________(帮助).

5. My sister has two Chinese_______________(词典).


1. 她姓什么? is name?

2.失物招领柜里的那个包是你的吗?Is that your in the and case.