人教新版 > 四年级下英语期中测试卷
人教新版 > 四年级下英语期中测试卷第2页

( )11._______ up ,Mike !It's eight o'clock.

   A.Make B.Wake C.Take

( )12.It's time _____ class. A.to B.at C.for

( )13.Let's _____ together.

A.go to school B.go school C.go to the school

( )14.What's______class? A.one B.the first C.first

( )15.I like ____. A.orange juice B.chickens C.chips

( )16.当你想欢迎你的新同学来到你们班时,你应说: A.Welcome to our class! B.Welcome to our school!

( )17. "我们是邻居"。应该这样说:

  A.We are friends. B.We are neighbours.

( )18.当你想让你的同学玩数数游戏时,你应说:

A.Let's play a game! B.Let's play a counting game!

( )19.你们班来了一位新语文老师,班主任向你们介绍他:

A.He's a new teacher. B.This is our new Chinese teacher.

( )20.你想知道你朋友的班上有多少女孩,你应问:

A.How many girls are there in your class?

B.How many boys are there in your class?