《302edu发布》河北省邢台市2020届高三上学期第一次摸底考试英语试题 Word版含答案
《302edu发布》河北省邢台市2020届高三上学期第一次摸底考试英语试题 Word版含答案第2页



6. What happened to the man last weekend?

A. He made food. B. He took care of his grandma. C. His house burned down.

7. Why will the man be late to the woman's office?

A. He has to buy his lunch.

B. He has to do his homework.

C. He has to make food for his grandma.


8. Where did the man get the tomatoes?

A. He bought them in a local farm.

B. He bought them in a store.

C. He picked them from his own backyard.

9. How long has the man been interested in cooking?

A. For only a short time. B. For his whole life. C. For a long time.

10. What does the woman say about cooking?

A. She enjoys it. B. She doesn't have the patience for it. C. It makes her feel creative.


11. What is the man now?

A. A college student. B. A high school student. C. A primary school student.

12. What does the man plan to do this summer?

A. Work at the pool. B. Learn to skateboard. C. Go to the lake with his mother.

13. What does the man need his mother to help him with?

A. Filling out job applications.

B. Shopping in a supermarket.

C. Paying for summer school.
