2018--2019学年人教版选修六Unit 3 A healthy life Learning about language课时作业(8)
2018--2019学年人教版选修六Unit 3 A healthy life Learning about language课时作业(8)第3页

  folded quietly and to say 29. She wants them to listen attentively, to ask questions. She knows that 30 children learn from books is 31 .She also knows that, it is necessary for them to know how to use this 32 for their 33 and development. During Open School Week, parents have a 34 to see how American education 35.

16. A.happy B.afraid C.glad D.surprised

17. A.some time B.sometime C.sometimes D. sometimes

18. A.other B.the other C.another D.all

19. A.opinion B.idea C.promise D. conclusion

20. A. need B.needed C.dare D.dared

21. A.of B.against C.for D.with

22. A.place B.space C.room D.area

23. A.From school B.Out school C.By school D.In school

24. A.lessons B.knowledge C.subjects D.obiects

25. A.when to B.how to C.what to D.where to

26. A.ability B.skill C.abilities D.skills

27. A.think B.want C.let D.make

28. A.with B.across C.over D.above

29. A.something B.anything C.nothing D.much

30.A.that B.which C.不填 D.what

31. A.important B.unimportant C.necessary D.useless

32. A.study B.work C.learning D.aim

33. A.growing B.growth C.future D.tomorrow

34. A.ability B.possibility C.interest D.chance

35. A.develops B.learns C.goes D.works

第三节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


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